Erik Harpstead
HCII - Carnegie Mellon University
5000 Forbes Ave.
Pittsburgh, PA 15232 Email - harpstead@cmu.edu
Office - NSH 2614
Read My CV
I am a System Scientist in the Human-Computer Interaction Institute at Carnegie Mellon University.
My primary research interest is in the study of educational games. I work on developing new data science methods that can be applied to the unqiue challenges of educational game design. I am particularly interested in developing tools and techniques that allow designers and researchers to ask questions about their games, and use the answers to actionably inform redesign.
I completed my PhD at CMU in 2017 under the guidance of Vincent Aleven. While a student, I was also a fellow of the PIER Program in Interdisciplinary Education Research in the 2011 cohort. You can find my final dissertation document for more details.
If you want to know more about my work, you can find a list of my publications on my Google Scholar profile page. I keep the code repositories for most of my projects up on Github. The majority of my work so far has been done as part of the ENGAGE project.