Cookie Stuff

The content of this section is based on the w3schools page on cookies
You have visited this page 0 time(s).

Local Storage Stuff

You've clicked the button time(s) this session.

You clicked the button time(s) last session.

You've clicked the button time(s) overall.

Session Storage Stuff

The content of this text area will survive a hard refresh (Ctrl+F5 on Windows Cmd+Shit+R on Mac) and even a cache clear and hard reload (right click your reload button in Chrome and select from the drop down). Essentially, it will be intact until you close the tab. Note that this feature won't work if you are testing the page locally in Firefox, it must be served form a server.

File Objects and File Lists

Selected Files:


File Reader Stuff

This section borrows some code from: here
If you use this input to read an image it will display below.

Saving Files

This section borrows code from this stack exchange answer. The mention that is has browser compatibility issues and that same thread highlights a number of alternative solutions for the same feature.
This button will prompt you to save the click stats to a file using a JSON notation: